It started with a simple question: You can pay for minutes as you use them—why can't you do the same for data?
Juice on Verizon, the first wireless service where you get all the data you need, but only pay for what you use. Juice let's people live their lives, put the customer in total control, and reward them in the process. The juice is the fuel for your life.
Over the course of 11 months, our team of 100+ built the service from the ground up, totaling over 3,000 screens. I took all the learnings from the My Verizon App project and deployed them here. Our partners at, R/GA were amazing and trusting.
Introducing, Juice.
The Process

Each sprint, every team tackled several features and incorporated them into the system.

This wasn't an art project, the design needed to function extremely well.
The design needed to support the user through a complex set of decisions, this was critical to meet the revenue targets that would exist for this new business.
The team culture made all the difference.
We used a large user flow covering the whole project, from purchase and activate, to app experience and support to keep ourselves organized.
Service Configurator

Teams worked from a Master Specification file, service as a bridge between design, product managers and IT. Today, we just use Figma.
Rewards Experience
Ultimately, Verizon decided that the Juice wasn't worth the squeeze. We disbanded, incorporating the learnings and designs elsewhere.
The team crafted personas, built user journeys and storyboards, and came up with experience moments.

SIM Card Packaging
We operated with focus.
We met in person, weekly.
We ensured consumers guided our decisions.
We had fun.
In October of 2017 I joined the team. It was disorienting coming from the My Verizon App project that was a well oiled machine at that point. I spent 4 weeks talking to the team and learning. What was working, what was not working, and how misaligned reality was from expectations. By the middle of November I got the leads together to make a plan. Just as we did for the My Verizon App project. We got organized. We made a new timeline. We re-evaluated the features we would target for launch. The work really started in December, after the Thanksgiving holiday.